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Interpretive Planning Projects

Interpretive Plan for Fort Owen State Park

Staff, Friends of Fort Owen board members, Next Generation Stakeholders, Tribal members from five Indigenous communities, and other experts and community members came together over 11 months to create a master interpretive plan for the 2.5 historic site. The work provided essential guidance for immediate and long-term design projects based on core educational and management goals.

Interpretive framework FWP collage

Interpretive Framework for FWP

Education and leadership teams from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Regions 1,2, and 4 gathered virtually in Fall 2020 to create a plan for visitor center redesigns. Their recent branding efforts were kept at the core of this work–The outside is in us all.

Interpretive Plan for MNHC

Volunteers, staff, and board members came together over 8 months to create a full interpretive plan for the Montana Natural History Center. The work provides long-term guidance for temporary and permanent exhibits that will center on key educational and management goals.